
class dsmpy.modelparameters.ModelParameters(types, radii, mesh_type='boxcar')

Represent parameters for a seismic model.

The parameters are specified by:
  • their types: ParameterType.VSH, VSV, VPH, VPV, ETA, QMU,


  • their radii (in km): the model parameters represent a layered

    model, and the radii specify the boundaries of these layers.

  • the mesh type:
    • ‘boxcar’: constant properties in each layer

    • ‘lininterp’: discontinuous linear spline in each layer

    • ‘triangle’: still in development

  • types (list of ParameterType) – e.g., RHO, VSH

  • radii (ndarray) – radii of boundaries of perturbed layers

  • mesh_type (str) – ‘boxcar’, ‘triangle’, or ‘lininterp’

apply_constraint(values: numpy.ndarray)numpy.ndarray

Apply the model parameter constraints to the valye matrix.


values (np.ndarray) – (n_grd_params, 9)-matrix with model perturbations


a copy of values with constraints applied

Return type


get_free_all_indices() -> (<class 'list'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'list'>)

Return the generic, type, and grid indices of parameters without constraints.


counter-like monotonous indices list of int: corresponding type index as in self.types list of int: corresponding grd_param index as in self.get_grd_params()

Return type

list of int


Return the indices of parameters without constraints.


Return the mesh type.


Get the number of radial parameters at which structure parameters (e.g. ParameterType.VSH) can be set.

The number of parameters depend on the mesh type:
  • boxcar: get_n_grd_params() = get_nodes() - 1

  • lininterp: get_n_grd_params() = get_nodes() * 2.

    At each radial node, there is one parameter for the line segment above the node, and one parameter for the line segment below the node.


Return the number of radial grid nodes.


Return the total number of parameters get_n_grd_params() * len(get_types()).


Return an array of radial grid nodes.

get_shape_value_matrix() -> (<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>)

Return the shape of the value matrix


Return the parameter types

get_values_matrix(values_dict: dict)numpy.ndarray

Get the matrix used in Seismicmodel.multiply

next() -> (<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'int'>)

Increment and return the indices of the next model parameter. next() skips indices with constraints.


iteration counter int: index of the current type (get_types()[i]) int: index of the current radial parameter

Return type


set_constraints(mask_dict=None, equal_dict=None, discon_arr=None)

Set constraints for model parameters at each grid point.

Three types of constraits. mask_dict and equal_dict act on the n_grd_params grid parameters; discon_arr acts on the n_nodes radial nodes.

  • mask_dict: fix the value for a given ParameterType

    and grid point (among n_grd_params)

  • equal_dict: for a given ParameterType, an integer array

    specify grid points that takes the same value

  • discon_arr: for each radial node, specify wether this node

    is discontinuous or not

  • mask_dict (dict) – keys are of type ParameterType,

  • are boolean np.ndarray of shape (values) –

  • equal_dict (dict) – keys are of type ParameterType,

  • are integer np.ndarray of shape (values) –

  • discon_arr (np.ndarray) – boolean array of shape (n_nodes,)


>>> mask_dict[ParameterType.VSH] = np.ones(
        model_params.get_n_grd_params(), dtype='bool')
>>> equal_dict[ParameterType.VSH] = np.ones(
        model_params.get_n_grd_params(), dtype='bool')
>>> discon_arr = np.ones(
        model_params.get_n_nodes(), dtype='bool')
>>> model_params.set_constraints(
        mask_dict, equal_dict, discon_arr)
class dsmpy.modelparameters.ParameterType(value)

An enumeration.

static structure_types()list

Return a list of structural parameters: [RHO, VPV, VPH, VSV, VSH, ETA]