Anselme Borgeaud

Data scientist with a PhD in computational seismology and a strong interest in financial markets. Lausanne, Switzerland
Projects *Research Posts Downloads
  • Borgeaud et al. (2017)

    Borgeaud et al. (2017)

  • Borgeaud et al. (2019)

    Borgeaud et al. (2019)


Seismic attenuation and S-velocity structures in D″ beneath central america using 1-D full-waveform inversion

Citation: Borgeaud, A.F.E, Deschamps, F., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2021,

ANISOtime: traveltime computation software for laterally homogeneous, transversely isotropic, spherical media

Citation: Konishi, K., Borgeaud, A.F.E, Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Seismological Research Letters, 2021,

3‐D S‐velocity structure of the mantle transition zone beneath Central America and the Gulf of Mexico inferred using waveform inversion

Citation: Borgeaud, A.F.E., Kawai, K. Geller, R.J., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019,

Effects of redetermination of source time functions on the 3-D velocity structure inferred by waveform inversion,

Citation: Yamaya, L., Borgeaud, A.F.E., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Konishi, K., Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 2018,

Imaging paleoslabs in the D" layer beneath Central America and the Caribbean using seismic waveform inversion

Citation: Borgeaud, A.F.E., Kawai, K., Konishi, K., Geller, R.J., Science Advances, 2017,

Waveform inversion for 3-D S-velocity structure of D″ beneath the Northern Pacific: possible evidence for a remnant slab and a passive plume

Citation: Suzuki, Y., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Borgeaud, A.F.E., Konishi, K., Earth, Planets and Space, 2016,

Finite frequency effects on apparent S-wave splitting in the D" layer: comparison between ray theory and full-wave synthetics

Citation: Borgeaud, A.F.E., Konishi, K., Kawai, K., Geller, R.J., Geophysical Journal International, 2016,

In Preparation

Full-waveform analysis of core-mantle boundary seismic body waves based on adjoint methods